Create a Custom Order

  1. Select the pool that you're looking to trade on
  2. Select the "Create Order" section
  1. Decide on:
    1. Order Size: The size of your order denominated in vB
    2. Bid/Ask Price: The price at which you are selling or buying BTC fees denominated in Sat/vB
      1. If you're entering a buy position, the lower the price, the better. This is because if the index goes above the price, you profit; therefore, the lower the price, the greater the probability of the index going above it.
      2. If you're entering a sell position, the higher the price, the better. This is because if the index goes under the price, you profit; hence, the higher the price, the greater the probability of the index staying under it.
    3. Order Expiration: The order will be automatically canceled if it is not filled after the expiration.
  1. After setting your order's parameters, you can view a summary that includes:
    1. The required payment in your wallet for your order to be valid (Note: funds will only be taken from your wallet if your order is filled by another user)
    2. The range of payout you can expect from your position if this order gets filled
    3. Finally, click on the "Create Order" button to finalize the process: granting allowance & signing the order with your wallet
    4. You're all set! 🎉 Wait for your order to be filled

Next up, learn how to Manage Your Open Orders